Green Bridge House, Kuala Lumpur

The low horizontal lines to the front elevation of this 6500 sq ft house are understated from the street – appearing quite closed apart from 2 green courtyards that puncture the façade and hint at an experience to come upon entering.

This 2 storey passive design house, constructed of fair-face brick walls, off-form concrete columns and slabs with green roof gardens, is entered at high level as the site is 1 storey below road level. A 5m long bridge through a ‘forest’ of trees links the 2 blocks of the house offering views to the double volume covered terrace and swimming pool below.

Splayed full height brick walls protect window openings from direct solar radiation and give privacy. A concrete ‘butterfly roof’ sun-scope over the staircase reflects defused natural light deep into the house and helps ventilate the house naturally.

Terraces for entertaining and small private balconies provide quiet shaded places for contemplation.