Keeping Buildings Cool

- Roof. In Malaysia about 70% of heat-gain enters through the roof. All roofs should be well insulated to prevent heat penetrating into the house.

- Landscape as Shading Device. Landscape is used as an integral design element for shading walls & windows.

- Overhangs / External Sun-shading. It is more effective to shade externally than internally. Large roof overhangs & external shading devices are effective measures.

- Minimal Hard Surfaces. The driveway & all hard surfaces should be kept to a minimum making the site predominately green. Hard surfaces absorb & retain heat from the sun during the day radiating heat into the living environment long after sunset.

- Chiller Waste Heat. Waste heat from A/C outdoor units increase the local air temperature as hot air is discharged. This waste hot air can be used to heat water for use in the house and/or ‘dumped’ into a water body such as a swimming pool or pond which will then evaporate without increasing the local air temperature.